Using gedoc PreviousNext

Command-line options

The usual way to invoke gedoc is as follows:

gedoc --format=<output_format> --output=<output_directory> <input_filename>
This will read the description of your Eiffel project from the ECF file input_filename, analyze it, and generate the documentation files in directory output_directory using the format output_format. Note that in addition to ECF, the file input_filename can also be an Eiffel class file. In that case, your Eiffel project will be considered to be made up of only one Eiffel class. This is useful when we just want to pretty-print one Eiffel file.

Here is the list of options that can be used with gedoc:

Print a summary of the command-line options of gedoc and exit.
Name of target to be used in ECF file. (default: last target in ECF file)
Format for the output. (default: pretty_print) The formats currently supported are pretty_print to use gedoc as an Eiffel pretty-printer, html_ise_stylesheet to generate HTML documentation using ISE's stylesheet, implicit_converts and explicit_converts to list implicit conversions in the code and make them explicit, ecf_pretty_print to use gedoc as an ECF pretty-printer to format or convert ECF files, and available_targets to figure out the list of available targets in an ECF file.
-c <class_name>
Name of classes to be processed. (default: process all classes in the Eiffel project) The name can contain wildcards such as FOO* or @(FOO|BAR). This option can be used several times to specify several class names.
-o <directory_name>
Directory for generated files. (default: next to each class file)
Add subfolders with library names in the output directory.
Overwrite existing files without asking.
Ask before overwriting a file, unless --force is specified.
Version of Eiffel whose semantics should be used during code analysis. (default: latest version)
Version of ECF to be used when converting ECF files. (default: version of the ECF input file)
Override settings defined in ECF file. This option can be used several times to override several settings.
Override capability usage defined in ECF file. This option can be used several times to override several capabilities.
Override variables defined in ECF file. This option can be used several times to override several variables.
Number of threads to be used to run gedoc. Negative numbers -N mean "number of CPUs - N". (default: number of CPUs)
Run gedoc in silent mode.
Run gedoc in verbose mode.
Should no benchmark information be displayed? (default: display non-nested benchmark information)
Should nested benchmark information be displayed?
Should metrics information be displayed?
Print the version number of gedoc and exit.

Copyright © 2017-2020, Eric Bezault
Last Updated: 31 May 2020