Stages in Using Getest PreviousNext

This section lists the steps to follow to produce and run a test suite using getest. First, you have to write test case classes to be used in the test suite:

  1. Create classes whose names match the regular expression specified in the class clause of the default section of the configuration file. By default the name of these classes should have the prefix TEST_.
  2. Inherit from class TS_TEST_CASE from the test harness cluster of the Gobo Eiffel Test Library, and declare make_default as creation procedure.
  3. Write argumentless procedures whose names match the regular expression specified in the feature clause of the default section of the configuration file. By default the name of these routines should have the prefix test_. These routines will be called by the generated test suite to exercise some Eiffel code. They should typically contain calls to assertion routines (routines with names starting with assert) inherited from TS_TEST_CASE (these assertions routines are actually written in the ancestor class TS_ASSERTION_ROUTINES).

Then you should write a configuration file to run the test:

  1. Specify the name of the test suite in the test section.
  2. If the names of the test case classes do not start with TEST_, then specify the proper regular expression in the class clause of the default section.
  3. If the names of the test routines in the test case classes do not start with test_, then specify the proper regular expression in the feature clause of the default section.
  4. Specify the prefix to be used for the generated class names in the prefix clause of the default section if different from the default.
  5. If the new classes should be generated in a directory other than the current directory, specify the name of that directory in the testgen clause of the default section.
  6. Specify in the compile clause of the default section the command-line instruction with the chosen Eiffel compiler to be used by getest to compile the test suite program.
  7. Specify in the execute clause of the default section the command-line instruction to be used by getest to run the test suite program.
  8. Finally the clusters containing the test case classes that you wrote above should be listed in the cluster section.

You should also provide the ECF file necessary to run the compilation instructions specified in the compile clause of the default section of the configuration file above:

  1. The root class has the same name as the name of the test suite specified in the test section of the configuration file above.
  2. The creation procedure is make.
  3. The clusters specified in the cluster section of the configuration file should also be listed here.
  4. The directory where the new classes will be generated (specified by the testgen clause of the default section of the configuration file) should also be listed here.
  5. Depending on the Eiffel compiler you are using these other clusters should also be listed:
            -- Gobo Eiffel Test Harness Library
            -- Gobo Eiffel Structure Library
            -- Gobo Eiffel Utility Library
            -- Gobo Eiffel Kernel Library

    where <compiler> is either ge, ise.

You can then run getest with the configuration file as input and the output should look something like that:

Preparing Test Cases
Compiling Test Cases
Running Test Cases

Test Summary for my_test

# PASSED:     1 test
# Failed:     0 test
# Aborted:    0 test
# Total:      1 test (2 assertions)

Copyright © 2001-2019, Eric Bezault
Last Updated: 15 March 2019
