Output PreviousNext

The output of getest consists of a report of the number of tests which have passed (tests with no assertion failure), failed (tests which have at least one assertion failure) and aborted (tests which had an Eiffel exception). The output of a normal execution of getest will look something like that:

Preparing Test Cases
Compiling Test Cases
Running Test Cases

Test Summary for test1

# PASSED:     5 tests
# Failed:     0 test
# Aborted:    0 test
# Total:      5 tests (14 assertions)

When there are no failed or aborted tests in the report, the PASSED label is in upper-case letters. However when a failed or aborted test occurred, then FAILED or ABORTED are in upper-case letters in order to raise the attention of the reader. Furthermore a short explanation of the errors is displayed at the end of the report. Here is an example of the output of getest when a test failed:

Preparing Test Cases
Compiling Test Cases
Running Test Cases

Test Summary for test2

# Passed:     3 tests
# FAILED:     1 test
# Aborted:    0 test
# Total:      4 tests (8 assertions)

Test Results:
FAIL:  [TEST_FOO.test_bar] foo+bar
   expected: foobar
   but  got: foofoo

Copyright © 2001-2005, Eric Bezault
Last Updated: 16 February 2005
