Using gecop PreviousNext

Command-line options

The usual way to invoke gecop is as follows:

gecop --tool=<eiffel_tool>
This will run the Eiffel language conformance validation suite with the Eiffel tool to be tested <eiffel_tool> (typically an Eiffel compiler) and produce a report.

Here is the list of options that can be used with gecop:

Print a summary of the command-line options of gecop and exit.
Eiffel tool to be tested against the validation suite. By default it uses the optimized compilation mode (e.g. finalize mode) for a given Eiffel tool, unless the suffix debug is provided (e.g. workbench mode with assertion monitoring turned on). (default: ge)
Executable filename (optionally with a pathname) of the Eiffel tool to be tested. (default: gec|gelint|ec in the PATH)
Directory containing the Eiffel validation suite. (default: $GOBO/tool/gecop/validation)
When specified, run only the test cases matching this regexp. (default: no filter)
Should test results be aggregated into a single report? (default: yes)
Should test results be compared with the previous run? (default: yes)
Do no delete temporary directory after running the validation suite. (default: delete testdir)
Number of threads to be used to run gecop. Each thread will run its own set of validation tests independently of the others. Negative numbers -N mean "number of CPUs - N". (default: number of CPUs)
Print the version number of gecop and exit.

Copyright © 2018-2020, Eric Bezault
Last Updated: 16 November 2020